Study Groups
Acupuncture & Bodywork Seminars for Existing Practitioners
As a practitioner with over 25 years of clinical experience and a Senior Practitioner of the classical style of Tangible Acupuncture, as taught by Andrew Nugent-Head, I host study groups for practitioners who are wanting to learn an effective form of Classical Chinese Medicine.
The groups are open to qualified Acupuncturists who have attended a BAAB accredited course, or have at least the equivalent of a Bachelors Degree education in Acupuncture from a recognised institution in the UK, or from a recognised institution abroad.
If you would like to register your interest in future seminars; whether to attend one in Bedfordshire, or to hold one in your location, please get in touch.
Alongside other Senior Practitioners, I will be assisting in the teaching of this year's retreat in Finale Liguria in Italy, for new practitioners. This will be a good opportunity for Acupuncturists new to Tangible Acupuncture to learn from Andrew, JulieAnn and a team of international Senior Practitioners.